Vegetarian lasagna

45 min.
Experience our delightful vegetable lasagna. It has layers of al dente pasta sheets, creamy spinach, and mushrooms; all brought together with a spicy tomato sauce and slices of Puck halloumi cheese. Baked to a golden, cheesy, and creamy delight, it is ideal for family dinners or festive occasions.


4 portions

Spinach and mushroom filling

Tomato sauce


  • Spinach and mushroom filling

  • Tomato sauce

  • Assemble the dish

FAQ: Questions about vegetarian lasagna

Find answers to some common questions about this beloved vegetarian lasagna below to help you with the recipe.
Can I prepare the lasagna in advance?

Yes, you can prepare the vegetarian lasagna in advance. Assemble the lasagna and store it in the fridge until you are ready to bake. Before baking, let it reach room temperature or bake it slightly longer to ensure it heats evenly. This approach is convenient for meal planning and busy schedules, allowing you to have a ready-to-bake dish on hand.

What is the best way to store and warm up leftover vegetarian lasagna?

To store leftover lasagna, let it cool to room temperature first. Cover it well and refrigerate for up to 4 days. When reheating, you can use either the oven or microwave. If using the oven, preheat it to 180 °C and heat for 15–20 minutes until hot. For microwave reheating, place the lasagna on a microwave-safe dish and heat on high for a few minutes until thoroughly hot. If the lasagna is frozen, thaw it in the fridge overnight before reheating.

Can I freeze the vegetarian lasagna before or after baking?

Yes, you can freeze the lasagna either before or after baking. For pre-baked freezing, assemble the lasagna in a freezer-safe, oven-safe dish, wrap it tightly in cling film or aluminum foil, and freeze for up to 3 months. Thaw it in the fridge before baking according to the recipe instructions. For freezing leftovers, cool the lasagna to room temperature to prevent freezer burn, then portion it into containers suitable for the microwave or oven. Reheat at 180 °C for 15–20 minutes in the oven, or microwave on high heat for 5–6 minutes until fully heated.

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Tips: Make the best vegetarian lasagna

Discover suggestions that will help you make the best vegetarian lasagna.

Avoid watery lasagna

Ensure all ingredients, especially the spinach and mushrooms, are well-drained to prevent a watery or soggy lasagna. So, taking the time to properly drain cooked vegetables is crucial for achieving the right texture.

Allow time for the layers to settle

When your vegetarian lasagna is ready and out of the oven, give it about 15 minutes to cool down before serving. This cooling period allows the ingredients to set and makes it easier to cut and serve without the layers falling apart.

Test for Doneness

Insert a knife into the center to check if the lasagna is done. It is ready if the knife goes through easily and comes out hot. This ensures the lasagna sheets are cooked properly and the dish is heated throughout.

Try our delicious recipe for vegetarian lasagna

Indulge in our comforting vegetarian lasagna, featuring layers of spinach, mushrooms, and halloumi cheese. All layers are embraced by tender pasta sheets, and each bite offers a rich, slightly spicy tomato sauce and a medley of smooth textures baked golden. The halloumi adds a special twist to a classic lasagna recipe that will make it a favorite at your table.

With tangy, salty, and savory notes from halloumi cheese

Halloumi brings a very special element to this vegetarian lasagna. When the halloumi bakes, it softens slightly but maintains its shape, offering a firm and slightly chewy texture between the layers of tender pasta and creamy spinach filling. The cheese's flavor becomes more pronounced when baked, infusing the lasagna with its inherent saltiness and mild tanginess. Its savory profile not only complements the creamy tomato sauce but also elevates the umami taste of the mushrooms and the subtle sweetness of the spinach.

Get inspired for your next pasta night with other Italian recipes with a twist, for example, our ​​salmon and leek pasta, ​​potato gnocchi with cream-grilled chard, or ​​fried ravioli in tomato sauce.

Creamy tomato sauce with spinach and mushroom

The creamy tomato sauce, combined with layers of spinach and mushrooms, elevates this lasagna with a rich and luscious texture. The spicy arrabbiata sauce brings a subtle kick, balanced by the smoothness of the cooking cream. Spinach adds an earthy, slightly sweet flavor, while mushrooms contribute a meaty texture and umami richness. The sauce envelops the vegetables and pasta, ensuring every bite is packed with savory goodness and comforting textures.

Serve with simple side dishes

You can serve the vegetarian lasagna on its own, but it is delicious with simple sides. A crisp green salad provides a refreshing contrast. Toss together mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, and red onion, and dress with a lemon vinaigrette. Garlic bread pairs wonderfully with lasagna. Slice a baguette or ciabatta, spread with butter, minced garlic, parsley, and salt, then bake until golden and crispy. For a more substantial side, consider roasting vegetables like carrots, bell peppers, zucchinis, and red onions. A Caprese salad with fresh mozzarella, ripe tomatoes, and basil, drizzled with balsamic glaze, offers a light, elegant complement. Steamed asparagus, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt and pepper, is also an easy, light option.

Experiment with the ingredients

Put a personal touch on the recipe. Add a variety of roasted vegetables to complement the spinach and mushrooms. For example, thinly slice and then roast zucchinis for sweetness and crispiness or charred pepper strips for a sweet, smoky flavor. For a creamy and smoky texture, salt and rinse eggplant slices before roasting them or slowly caramelize onions in butter or oil for a sweet, savory depth.

Layer fresh basil leaves between layers to infuse fresh, aromatic notes, or sprinkle pine nuts on top or between layers for a crunchy texture and a buttery, nutty, slightly sweet flavor. Spread your favorite pesto between the layers to introduce a creamy, slightly oily texture along with a herbaceous, nutty richness.

Although the tomato sauce has cooking cream, you can make a white sauce to use between the layers, too. For example, béchamel sauce, mornay sauce, or cottage cheese blended with egg and milk. It is delicious with a bit of cheese like mozzarella or cheddar in it to melt delightfully between the layers of firm, salty halloumi. Similarly, dollops of ricotta cheese between layers can add a mild, creamy flavor and a smooth, slightly grainy texture.

Tasty. Yummy. Good!

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