6 Natural Sources of Vitamin D in Food

The human body needs numerous beneficial vitamins and nutrients for physical and mental well-being. As we strive to maintain our health and the health of our families, we face the challenge of providing these nutrients and diversifying their sources.

A key nutrient vital to our health is Vitamin D, the main source of which is sunlight. But we might not get enough sun to supply our daily needs for many reasons, such as cold weather, wanting to escape the heat, and fear of harm from sun exposure. So, we must make up for it by knowing which foods supply Vitamin D and preparing meals rich in Vitamin D.

It's advised to get 15-20 minutes of sunlight every day without using sunscreen on areas including the face, arms, legs, and back to get a sufficient dose of Vitamin D. The rest comes from the food we eat.

Why should we get Vitamin D?

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Vitamin D is a nutrient that provides us with many benefits.  For example, it ensures strong bones and teeth, maintains a sound immune system, protects against illness, fights cancer cells, and helps treat depression.

A Vitamin D deficiency can lead to feelings of tiredness and fatigue, as well as weak bones and muscles. In children, it can cause rickets. Insufficient Vitamin D can also result in moodiness, feelings of depression, and a weak immune system.

How do we get Vitamin D from food?

Vitamin D is a nutrient found in only a small number of foods, so many people try to get the required amount through nutritional supplements. But if we can identify foods that are natural sources of Vitamin D, we can get it naturally without the need for supplements.

What foods contain Vitamin D?

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1- Milk and dairy products enriched with Vitamin D

Milk is rich in many beneficial nutrients and vitamins such as calcium, phosphorus, protein, Vitamin B2, and Vitamin B12. Vitamin D is added to milk and many dairy products, such as Puck Cream Cheese enriched with Vitamin D, made from 100% milk. 

Adding milk and dairy products to breakfast and other meals ensures you and your family an enriched and healthy diet with much of your required daily vitamins and nutrients, thus guaranteeing energy, overall health, and proper growth.

2- Salmon

Salmon is one of the best-known types of Vitamin D-rich, fatty fish. It is also a key source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which play a major role in maintaining several basic bodily functions. They help to lower triglycerides, regulate blood pressure, and improve overall heart health.

You can incorporate salmon into breakfast and lunch, making appetizing and crowd-pleasing meals thanks to its light taste and suitability for various diets.

3- Eggs

Egg yolks are high in Vitamin D. Eggs also provide important nutrients such as protein, calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin A.

You can prepare eggs in many different ways to suit your family's varied tastes. They can be boiled, made into omelets, and served as the main ingredient of popular dishes such as shakshuka.

4- Mushrooms

Mushrooms are one of the few plant foods in which Vitamin D occurs naturally, making them a key source of Vitamin D for vegans. Wild mushrooms contain higher levels of Vitamin D because they are exposed to more sunlight than mushrooms grown in the dark.

5- Beef Liver

Beef liver provides substantial amounts of protein, essential amino acids, minerals, and vitamins, including Vitamin D. With its smooth texture and light flavor, there are many ways you can include it in your meal plans and recipes at any time of day.

6- Tuna

Canned tuna is an excellent choice for a diet rich in Vitamin D. It is quick and easy to prepare and goes well with all sorts of sandwiches and salads.

Overall, Vitamin D is a key nutrient that helps to maintain the health of our bones and muscles and plays a vital role in strengthening the immune system. Although sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D, many of us may not get a sufficient dose of it.

Eating Vitamin D-rich meals  with Puck cheese products can help to ensure that we get the required amount. Always stick to recommended amounts and consult your doctor.

In short, ensure that you, your family, and your children get enough sunlight. Also, make sure to include Vitamin D-rich foods in your and your children's diets throughout the day, such as at breakfast and in the lunch box , because nothing is more important than taking care of yourself and your loved ones.